My sister, Emily, tagged me on her blog so I’m participating! Here’s a slight glimpse into my life/brain with the answers to a few questions.
1. What is your greatest achievement?
She is my world and I am proud to say that she is my daughter.
2. What is your worst habit?
Not taking laundry out of the dryer when it’s done so I have to “fluff” it up about a zillion times. Or when I do take it out and fold it it takes me way too long to actually put it away. However I have acknowledged this problem and have gotten MUCH better over the last year or two.
3. What did you want to be when you “grew up”?
A teacher. Then as I was talking to my college advisor about classes for an education degree she mentioned they also offered interior design in their college. I said “okay” and the rest is history.
4. What is your favorite childhood memory?
Oh goodness … favorite? Impossible to pick one.
I remember playing Barbie's with my sisters and always hoping I got the “good” Ken doll. We had a ton of Barbie's, but only 3 Ken dolls. One’s leg always came off and the other’s head always popped off. The third one was coveted.
I remember pool parties involving water balloons and always putting them in our bathing suits to look “enhanced”.
I have vivid memories of countless sleepovers and putting on fashion shows & making music videos.
I remember the first time I saw my husband, Tyler. I was 5 years old and he was in his fort in the backyard and I saw him from our driveway (we were neighbors). I remember begging my little sister Emily to go with me to “play” with Tyler’s, sister Hillary so I could hang out with Tyler. I remember the first time he “kissed” me. We were young … elementary school and he kissed my leg. I was so embarrassed. Flash forward 12+ years for the first “real” kiss in his college dorm. Ha!
5. How did you decide on the name for your blog?
Bella is our Princess. Tyler came up with the idea to make it her diary. Now we’ll have to change the name so we can tell the stories of Bella AND baby #2.
6. What is your favorite place to go out to eat?
That’s tough. I’m happy to just go out to eat! Some days McDonald’s does the trick, other days I dream of the days we went out and had a romantic dinner at JRs. Yum.
7. What is the last book that you read?
Abby’s First Book of Shapes. Does that count? If not, then how about Your Pregnancy, Week by Week.
8. What is your favorite family tradition? (new or old)
Another tough one! I love our Jamotta family tradition of making Easter Bread. And by making Easter Bread, I mean eating Easter Bread. And a lot of it! I also loved when we all made Christmas cookies, but that hasn’t really happened in a few years. Hoping we get back to that one and can involve the kiddos!
It’s funny because at the time I didn’t like the tradition of going to SWA to cook breakfast or pass out goodies on Christmas morning but looking back I think it was so special. I thought just a few weeks ago about how I would love to do something like that with Bella and our kids. To show how important giving and kindness truly is.
Ooo good answer!! I remember I always got the worst Barbie and Ken dolls!! And, mom got reallllly angry when we cut their hair. Huh.