Our baby girl is now our BIG GIRL. I think I’ve said this before … but this time I mean it!
This morning Bella was SITTING in her crib when Daddy went to get her … this is a first. She’s recently learned to sit when she’s placed on her hands & knees (in the crawl position). She is so determined not to crawl, that she taught her self to sit when we place her in this position. However, she’s never done it on her own … until this morning. Tyler said her eyes were practically closed and her head was falling over & she was sucking her thumb. Makes me wonder how long she was sitting up like that. :)
Bella is getting another tooth!
This will make number FIVE!
I tried to get a photo … but this is the best I got … showing off her two bottom pearly whites.
Bella is learning to stand on her own! She can only do it for a few seconds but it’s highly impressive to us. :)
She also can pull up and is starting to cruise!!
Bella LOVES to cook in her new Dora Kitchen – thanks Aunt Jen! She is starting to walk when we hold her hands and will get so excited when seeing her Kitchen and walks straight towards it!
Bella learned to clap hands! And loves Cheerios.
She is now the proud Mommy to a few babies of her own.
Although we’re concerned and may have to call CPS if she doesn’t stop eating their heads.
Bella’s hair is getting so long and is starting to curl at the ends. Luckily the weird curly frizz on the top of her head is calming down …but we’re starting to get some whisps & curls in the back. :)
Grandpa and Daddy hung her new swing yesterday. I think she loves it! What do you think?
Luckily our big girl still loves her Daddy (and Mommy!)
And is still the most adorable baby in the world!
Yesterday Bella was brave and got her CT scan. All of the nurses “oohed” and “ahhed” over her! She didn’t cry once & thought it was fun to be wheeled to the MRI room for her anesthesia & scan … without Mommy or Daddy!!!
Such a good pumpkin!
Tell me she doesn’t look adorable in her tiny hospital gown!!!
And lastly, I’d like to point out that our furry baby is still a big baby and love to snuggle and be loved. :)