Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Today our baby turned into a toddler.

One year ago today she was welcomed into the world and our lives have been forever changed.

Bella has taught us to love more than we thought possible, to cherish every moment and continues to melt our hearts every day with her sweet smiles and unconditional love.

Happy Birthday baby Bella. We love you. Always.


Daddy bought Bella baby tulips for her birthday.

She tried to eat them.


Bella enjoyed pancakes for breakfast. And loved them!


Then ate a sneaky little Cheerios snack.


Hung out with her BFF Purdy.


Relaxed with BOTH babies and a little Sponge Bob.


IMG_1550Then we went to Bella’s one year check up.

She weighed 24 lbs 10 oz (90th percentile … which means she’s thinning out because she’s been in the 95th + percentile for MONTHS!)

She’s 31.5” long (95th percentile)

Her head is in the 95th percentile. :)

She was happy and adorable as ever in her new outfit, compliments of Grams!

 IMG_1552 IMG_1553 IMG_1555 IMG_1563 Daddy came home early and we went out to dinner to celebrate the big day!


Then we stopped by Grandma and Grandpa’s house for a quick visit and got to open a fun toy!!!

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Then enjoyed a tasty soy free, dairy free cupcake WITH icing!


We came home and opened one of her gifts from Mommy and Daddy (the rest we’re saving for her party Saturday!)


We think she liked it!

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  1. Looks like fun! We can't wait for Saturday!!! Laura told me she saw pics and said we were all too creative for her. :)

  2. sooooooooooo cute! Man Tripp is 9month and weighs what she does!!!! I must have a hoss on my hands! You look great in the profile picture. Give her a kiss for me!

  3. Goodness that baby is the most precious thing EVER!I just LOVE your blog! Thanks for sharing her big day... this makes my heart smile! XOXO, Missy

  4. hahaha Love the picture of Bella and Purdy! Did she crawl into him or does she usually lay her head on his paws?
